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Viking 23 Cruiser

Estimated price for orientation: 5 250 $

Category: Narrowboats or Canalboats

Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom

Lying at the Willy-Watt marina on the River Nene: Whitewash 2 is a good example of these popular inland cruisers and with her narrow beam and low draft; she is equally at home on rivers or canals. She has a current boat safety certificate and she is fitted with an economical and reliable Honda 15 HP, 4 stroke outboard. She is fitted out with three berths, navigation lights, spotlight, toilet, warps and fenders, 12 Volt electrics, LPG gas cooker & water heater, first aid kit and various other items of safety equipment. Most boats of this type go for well over £6000 but the canopy is scruffy so this is reflected in the price but is a good, solid boat and she will give you years of service. Only reason we are selling is that a change in job means we have little time to use it and can't justify keeping it any longer. To view ring me on 07840 903960